
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Find & likes…august and september

This past two months we have gone out a lot more shop that usual .. since we dint have much free time before we kind of this all our school .home,and project shopping every weekend for two months YIKES! I know my husband was going crazy he doesn’t like going from store to store to store very often ..

This are just a few things I thought they were fantastic so I of course did what anyone with  a big heart would do and gave them a home..


you may notice that I didn’t put a link or number on to the rug or the liner paper reason why is that they are Homegood finds ..

And well this are some of the items and furniture that didn’t make the trip.. many reasons .. some of them didn’t fit in our car we had to throw one of the kids out to find it in so I thought oh no next time {I'm joking that would never actually EVER happened}..other reason was we were kind over the budget for the month {yes we have a monthly budget more about that later} so we decided to let it go and put it down for our next to get list .very very sad but I know will meet again..

okay now you might called me crazy  but I just couldn’t let these go I have many project in min for some others I just loooove to much to say good bye I feel a love song coming on ,.. the point is I went crazy on fabrics these past two months ..
well now showing you the ones that came home with me and are going to love me for ever since I have soo many plans for them.


Ps: took Monday off because of a family emergency thanks,

saying dood byw

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