
Saturday, April 26, 2014

A little sparkle won't hurt

First of all love being back home !! i HEART vacation don't get me wrong but sincerely there is no place like home ...right??.. well I'm back and with that i decided to organize my whole house ! again!! this is a never ending issue in our home yes to other my house might be organize like my sister in law was telling me "oh your home is always so organize and put together how do you do it ?" yes on the outside it is but face it when there is kids there is always a mess that fallows them .. Oh do not get my wrong i lOOOOOOve my kids they are my every breath but they can be messy specially my boys ! oh wow! where did i when wrong !! ??? no where i might tell you not everyone is born with the organizing genes ... my little girl is the most organized little child i know !! she would not go to sleep if her room is a bit messy!! and she is only 2 then my boys go to bed and their room can be such a mess that when they wake up in the morning  and  they are tripping over toys ...!! what can i do about that uh...well i say nothing for the mean time I've been letting them live like it only took two days !! of mommy not coming to the rescue for them  to notice that is not right to leave everything for  mum to pick up that they also need to help around the house and if they want their bedroom clean they need to start doing it themselfs all i as is for all the toys that belong in the toy room (witch  at the moment everything is in storage in my studio still ) and what ever toys belong in their bedroom to put back in their baskets.. and so on with laundry and other things .. so far I'm telling you this is working ...

Back to MY organizing .. so yes i did some organizing in some closets downstairs witch I'm still  not done thats why i don't have any pictures of them yet (i still need some shelves and other storage solution oh and install better lighting ) .

Last night while checking my email i decided to tackel my pictures and i found tons of projects that some of them where half done as well as some already finish .. so today io would like to share this one that my little girl is so in LOVE with ..

I stared with the idea i when over pinterest to find inspiration and i came a crossed a etsy store that sell amazing pillows but I'm the kind of person that if i know i can do it why would i buy it? I'm a right ....  so i stared with a plan ,,,

i have ton't fit) you might ask why so many rolls of fabric well because i am an interior designer and no i don't have portfolio online yet ! (m kind of new to all this ) another reason is because we are opening a store...{yes very exited about that we have tons of plans but that a talk for later).

After cutting i decided to iron the sided of the fabric so everything could be thing and straight .

I pinned the areas where i i had to cut and that i would be sewing later .

Before sewing anything i had to copy the letters onto the fabric .

Now this was the hard part pinning everything in place to be ready to sew i honestly tried it in my sewing machine i tell you it was the worst thing i could of done !! then i restared everything by hand. .....

And well this is the end result .. 

 UPDATE: At the time I'm thing of making another one with the letters a bit bigger and some other designs ...but for the most part my favorite client looooooves it ...

Ps: i also made that little pillow cover with some head made crossed stitches and i also made a blanked with the same designs  for each of my bays when they where born ..

PPs: i introduce to you GEE without this giraffe my daughter could never sleep opt go anywhere she had it since birth that and her Frozen blanket and the bear pillow are her sleeping and car ride aid ...!!..

PPPS :i also made her bedding set before she was born ..

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