
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentines day !

 well today is a very special day for us not that is only valentine day but also because is our anniversary not only that today is a very special day since yesterday i got into a chain accident coming home from home goods :( today i thank god I'm alive and can enjoy another day with my family and friends .

Enough said friday i decided to do another heart made out of sequins i just cant get away from the sequins this month for some odd reason  but any how this is what i came up with ..

i bough a metal marque heart from Michael's its was originally red and with the price of 19.99 but after a 40 % coupon and military discount it came out to about 11.29 !! .including i say score ! yes indeed . any how i didn't like the red this is what i came up with ..

 Step 1 : remove a lll the little bulbs

Step and 3 : spray paint it what ever color you want .. i went for gold of course #goldaddicted . (note : i put a peace of paper on each little bulb hole to prevent spray painting any unnecessary part .

This is the final look with just the spray paint . to me it was still looking like blah so i had some extra sequin around and decided to use it.

Step 4: i used hot glue to glue all the sequins around the heart .

Step 4 : hang and enjoy ..

Ps : we are almost done with the kids bed and bedroom so ill be back next week with all the new updates. as well as with the china cabinet .
until next time....

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