
Monday, May 25, 2015

Not gone ..

I've taken a few weeks of from projects and and diys and well blogging and media in general altho once in a while i pop in instagram . No !! I'm not leaving the blogging world !! I'm just taking a few personal weeks to focus in my family ,my home and my work .

After i did this post almost a month ago i had to take emergency trip to see sick family for a week .. when i came back i had a lot of work {day job} to finish and it took me a week and half while all that i developed a bad case of insomnia not the least 2 weeks ago when things were going back to "normal " my husband slipped  pretty bad on the tile floor of our kitchen and hit his head and back pretty bad and we had to rushed him to the hospital he is better now and is back to work but i had to leave everything for two weeks to take care of him and everything ales . So this past Wednesday he and i went back to work again ! just for me to come home that evening home and while picking up {i honestly cant remember what } i blacked out and hit the floor {tile floor in the bathroom} oh and on the process of going down  to hit the floor i busted my right eyebrow on the knob {how does that even happen} well idk ,.. but there goes the whole family back to the E.R well supposedly was so much stress and i had a anxiety and panic attack at the sometime and i didn't recognized it ..long story short now I'm back home and i will be going back to work tomorrow and hopefully 3rd time is the charm and i won't have to miss work unless I'm going to vacation witch ill be going in two weeks ...and the most important thing is hopefully nothing bad happens ..

This week we will get back to the porch and deck and all the outdoor work we stared with some little things over the weekend so i will have an update soon but I'm taking another week to get back to some projects for my actual job that i have to finish . i also have some news to share soon .. 

so until next time ..'

This picture i took it this morning while picking up my mail from the my driveway no filters or photoshoped straight from my iPhone .. i just love mornings like this....

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