
Saturday, October 7, 2017

30 random facts

I decided to do something different today by letting y'all get to know me bit more today ..

well here we go go go go..

1.Im a geeky person (yes video games and all )

2.Ive been to comic con and blizz con (yes I cosplay)

3.Im a hardcore WoW player (been playing since I was in jr year hs sooo around 11 years not to brag but I'm top 5 dps in my guild as a d.h)

4.I can fluently speak more than 3 languages

5.I was born in an island

6.I meet my husband via military internet communications

7.i did half of a semester of college while I was a senior in hs .

8.i wanted to be a pediatrician since I was 4

9.50% of my family members are doctors or surgeons the other 50% are military, lawyers ,nurses pharmacist , engineers, architects ,designers , I.T , authors , business owners, psychologist , and government employees (I have a hudgeeee family)

10.i always wanted to have a big family of my own (we have 3 kids) we want more

11. my dream was always to adopt a less fortunate kid (one day)

12.i was joining the military straight out of hs to pursue my pediatric career while serving my country old school ( I love writing things down in my planner instead of using my phone calendar

14. I love watching youtube videos of people organizing and cleaning their homes

15. this bad but so true ( I need to go to home goods at least once a week ) yes I know I have a problem

16.i have a headache every single day (yes I've gone to the doctor I guess I have to take Motrin for the rest of my life)

17.before I speak in translate everything in my head a few times in different languages before I say it (I've gotten used to it I've been doing that since I can remember and is very fast people don't ever notice )

18. I'm the best at anything English related since it was my forte in school ;) now, math!!! bahahahhahah nope idk how I had honors on that subject when I tried so hard to skip every class

19. I did gymnastics for many years as a child

20. I did cheerleading for many years as a child and young adult extremely teddy around my house but my head is another problem (at the moment I'm thinking about 7 different things with 7 other different possibilities ) in different languages (go ahead and try) lol

22.My whole family plays video games (talking about that every Tuesday and Thursday night after kids go to bed you will catch my husband and I raiding with our guild)

23.i love having a mint leaf with my tea every night

24. coffe is my rescue in the morning

25. I can't sleep pass 6:34 (I've tried but I get cranky so best not to)

26. I have some what of an accent if you listen closely  or I get mad or exited or just any time I speak to fast lol

27.i love watching cartoons before bedtime .

28.i would never eat anything that has a face on ( they will have to take the face away before I even touch it)

29.talking about eating every year for my bday we go to the same restaurant since is my favorite but I only like to go one a year (yes I'm strange)

30. autumn/ and winter are my favorite season

until next time...

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