
Thursday, November 27, 2014


Good news I'm back .. after taking bait of a break to attend home and family affairs I'm back ...with couple of news some good some not so {at least for us}..

In this past two months this is what have been happening ...

1. not building /or moving anymore ....{for at least another 6 months} : sometimes think dont work out they way we want them to work out and our house deal went down do to some problems with our contractors and permits  ..good news the owner of our current resident decided to be nice and let us stay for another 8 to 8 months {so he extended our lease }. another good news is that the home process is still going but not any time soon { not within this upcoming year , fingers cross for the next one }.

2. bad news we all had horrible virus that every single member of my family got for about two weeks ... good news we all better now  ready for todays feast...


3. since the birth of our last child 3 years ago { shame face over here } I've been going trough ups and downs more downs than up may i say but the good news is that i decided to get back on my two feet and do something about it thanks to a very special person that with her everyday encouragement i can say she has help me a lot and if y'all dont know who I'm talking about is @lakeitha_duncan  founder and C. E .O of @wristsoiree .

I can say because life has been so busy this past two months with my younger brother moving in with us (because he is joining the army soon) to potty training my 3 and 2  years old  life has hegtic and now holidays are coming so that means more family over .. 2 birthdays and a lot of decoration and preparation . i ashamed to say I've neglected this blog once again and that was not my intention at all in fact i am very exited about my new photographic equipment that my dear husband bough for me i can't wait to start trying with upcoming pictures for my blog.

4. In other news i have tons of projects waiting to be posted as well as some waiting to be pictured and before the year is over i will be posting the majority of them ..

5. Also  I MADE NEW CHANGES TO THE BLOG!!! and it has a new name {there is a reason behind it that will share soon } so please bare with me

Well and thats all for today folks ...see you in the next episode .. bahahhaha .. now I'm on my way to eat some yummy turkey {my husband made with the help of our oven }..

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