
Monday, January 19, 2015

family room inspiration

As of this weekend our family room has been looking a bit bare since we got ride of our temporary coffee table and couches and what ever art we had hanging on our walls .

Unfortunately in this house we dont have formal living room so we all hang out in the same room when it comes to movie nights or just a random visit from who ever  . i always dreamed of having an elegant chick place for my visitors to sit in and just for me to be proud of but unfortunately while we are renting that doesn't seem very practical and thats a okay with me .

Back to the living room /family room / where we spend most of our time space ..this space is huge and we dont have a very big budget do to many reason numero 1 we are trying (future plans but not so future ) to buy or build our permeant home (yes we are going to try again in a year or two ) numero 2 we are also moving in 5 1/2 months numero 3 we have growing kids who demand everyday  a bit more (not their fault must of the time ) ... the ceiling are what you call cathedral ceilings their are above 30 feet high and the room is 18x24.

I honestly dont have any before pictures (since it was never really a room i was proud of ).

My hubs and i decided that it was time for a change are kind are old enough to not destroy things as they pass (cough cough ) and well why are we waiting to buy a home for us to be proud of where we live right ?? 

We came out to many design concept but we settle in casual , comfortable with a bit of rustic , and chic  .. bahahha you can't imagine where we are going with this .... 

Most haves :

  • Drift wood
  • wood of any kind
  • Pillows
  • Blankets
  • Confort
  • green
  • blue
  • shag rug 
  • big tv (already own that) 80' ;)
  • big wood coffee table ( a bit rustic )
  • some marine decor
  • teal
  • big comfortable sofa
  • and family pictures
  • beer

  • Confort 
  • a bit of elegance 
  • bright 
  • colors 
  • flowers
  • books
  • wood
  • pillows
  • shag rug 
  • confortable sofa
  • lights
  • white furniture 
  • art 
  • family pictures 
  • storage 
  • a glass of wine 

Most haves for both is some kind of project .,,,

this are some of the projects we decided on 

  • making a sectional sofa 
  • making a console table 
  • re storing mirror of above fire place {done}
  • making a metal stool 
  • making another small console table for the other side of the room 
  • and what every ales diy project that comes to our mind on the process .
time period we what to finish this in * 2 months * 

what have we done so far ??? 
  1. we re store our old mirror from above the fire place .
  2. we stared making the big console table that goes behind the sofa 
  3. i stared hunting for the perfect coffee table 
  4. i bough the supplies for the art 
  5. we put up some pictures of our family on the wall 
  6. i stared buying pillows for the sofa and fabric 
  7. we hanged some curtains that i made 
  8. we bough some dvd storage 

ill be coming back tomorrow with the console tables we are on the process of finishing and another one that we are planning to  make well as some other details ..'

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