
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Home Tour : Boys room

Cheers to the weekend ...!! well this post was support to be yesterdays news but i had to run some errands as well as my oldest had a play in school and well we had to go see our CAT IN THE HAT  in the play called "this is a catastrophe " it was a comedy  and we laugh our socks off .. 

Anyhow today i would like to show our boys bedroom so sit back and enjoy a photo heavy post ;)

So this is the view of their room from the top conner of the room where their dressers are ..

And this is the vie from their closet conner

This pillows were so much fun to make since my kids chose the fabrics ...
Btw the sheets are curtesy of my beautiful mother .. and the blue and green reversible bedding are from Kohls  about 2 years ago but just recently i took them put of their package for use .

This awesome leather pouf I'm so addicted to them i think i have one in every room of my house {not kitchen bathrooms or dinning room } but seriously how amazing are they ! ...,{Ive have been wanting to open a store on etsy for a long time now what do you think if we sell some of this ??}

Now this is the side of the room that you come in from the hallway and other part of the house and those two doors lead to their closet  and if you want to see that let me know..

Their bedroom is lacking on wall decor because two reasons ... i dont like the paint color since is the same one we rented the house with and two because i haven't found the right arts for them if anyone have any ideas on wall color or art please i would love to hear them .. thank you.

This is the view from where the pouf is between their beds  to their tv .

A little closed up from their top shelf 

 This is their toy conner yes they do have a playroom but here in this awesome trunk that by the way has two drawers underneath and i found this from less than 200.00 buckaroos at my happy place aka HomeGoods .Well this is were they keep their most love toys , special collections and so on  also that red basket was found at HomeGoods and it holds their most love stuffed animals and underneath is their humidifier that is correctly out of order since it hasn't been dry around here for a few months now { after this pictures were taken the humidifier when down to the storage room until further needs } oh btw those mennions there are actually 2 of them and the boys won them recently at a school fair . The woody pillow is my oldest son pillow since he was a day old was a gift from the hospital he was born in and he has never part from it since . Curtains were also a HomeGoods find about 8 months ago and last but not least that little pendant was made by my oldest son all by himself with things he found at the beach were his grandparents live.

Drift wood and some shells  were all finds from the beach fishing thread and beads are all from Oma's and Opa's  house {grandma and grandpa in German }.
he was so proud of himself as well as we were he did an amazing job and he wanted to hang it somewhere he could see it everyday and well whats better than in his own bedroom right?.

This is the view from the hall connecting the boys room , Annaliah's room ,linen closet , kids bathroom and living room . with their lights off ..and only their party lights on witch i would like to thank my parents for those awesome bluetooth speakers they are similar to the old lava laps but with water and lights and the kids move them .. so thank you..

And thats it for now.. if you misses the making of the beds and shelf you can catch up ...


until next time...

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